
After having a crit yesterday i received feedback saying i needed to make my animation more refined and interesting. Some people recommended using my Spirograph imagery more and making it more obvious and relevant to maths. Also people said my iweb needed to be tweaked a bit so that all the links work effectively and just to put more things on it. With all this feedback i got to work on my opening sequence and my iweb. I changed my idea for my sequence as i wasn't too pleased with the context and content of it. I decided to add more animation of my Spirograph images, more mathematical imagery and tweak the timings and speed of transitions. I also changed my iweb by incorporating my Spirograph's into my design more by using it as a button to click on to navigate through my visual and contextual research. Below is a video of my progress so far with my new sequence:

and another with slight changes (i have added some music to test it with time and to see if it is appropriate, also i have tried to change the transitions between things)

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